
15 December 2012

Story - Man's Life Span

God created the donkey and said to him: "You will be a donkey. You will work untiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back.You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence and you will live 50 years. You will be a donkey." The donkey answered: "I will be a donkey, but to live 50 years is too much. Give me only 20 years." God granted his wish.

God created the dog and said to him: "You will guard the house of man. You will be his best friend. You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live 25 years. You will be a dog. " The dog answered: "Sir, to live 25 years is too much, give me only 10 years." God granted his wish.

God created the monkey and said to him: "You will be a monkey. You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks.You will be amusing and you will live 20 years." The monkey answered: "To live 20 years is too much, give me only 10 years. " God granted his wish.

Finally God created man and said to him: "You will be man, the only rational creature on the face of the earth. You will use your intelligence to become master over all the animals. You will dominate the world and you will live 20 years. "Man responded: "Sir, I will be man but to live only 20 years is very little, give me the 30 years that the donkey refused, the 15 years that the dog did not want and the 10  years the monkey refused.

" God granted man's wish. And since then, man lives 20 years as a man, he marries and spends 30 years like a donkey, working and carrying all the burdens on his back. Then when his children are gone, he lives 15 years like a dog, taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him, so that when he is old, he can retire and live 10 years like a monkey, going from house to house, from one son or daughter to another, doing tricks to amuse his grand children.

14 November 2012

Know Your Blood type

Most people think that blood type is not very important. One must know that a single drop of blood contains a person's blueprint relating to genes inherited. Among other things, our blood type affects our digestive system. We may drink or eat or avoid food items depending on blood type.

There are four blood types:
O, A, B, AB. O is the oldest; then comes A, then B and then AB.

TYPE O: Our O ancestors lived for the most part as hunters in Africa. They ate a lot of meat. Their digestive system supported the consumption of large quantities of high-protein animal flesh.
As the population grew, these 'O' ancestors were all the time moving to different parts of the world to make a new home. They spilt in to two groups; one headed north into Europe (25000-15000); the other, a bit later (15000-10000 BC), headed towards Himalayas.
Profile: High protein meat eaters.
Type 'O's have higher acidity levels to digest meat. But due to the high natural acidity of 'O's, they have a greater risk of stomach ulcers, if they have a diet lacking balance in proportion.
Avoid: Wheat, maize, plant's seeds used as food, cabbage and cauliflower.

Type A: Over the years, the group that moved north developed by gradual changes into a mainly agricultural society. The cultivation of livestock and grains changed everything.
The lighter skin which they developed provided them better protection against frost bite and was also able to metabolize Vitamin d in a better way in a land known for shorter days and longer nights.
Their digestive system could no longer tolerate feeding on flesh.
The blood type changed in the form, quality, etc in a better way and met the needs of the surroundings.
Blood Type A is still found in its highest concentration in Western Europe.
Profile: Vegetarian
Type 'A's have a lower acidity level than 'O's. They cannot digest animal protein well. They should be vegetarians. If they eat up a lot of animal proteins, they run the risk of stomach cancer.
Avoid: meat, dairy products and wheat.

TYPE B: Similarly, the 'O' group that headed to the Himalayas also adapted genetically to the conditions. This new Type B is found in increased numbers in Japan, Mongolia, China and India.
Profile: agreeable to all kind of food, animal or vegetable.
Avoid: corn (maize), lentil, peanuts, seasame seeds and wheat.

Type AB: Type AB is the newest among all blood types.
Profile: Mixed diet in moderation.
Avoid: red meat, seeds and corns.
People with blood group 'O' are called 'Universal donors' and group AB are called 'Universal receivers'.
Blood group AB can give blood to AB and receive blood from AB, A,B,O,; Blood group A can give blood to A and AB and can receive blood from A and O; Blood group B can give blood to B and AB and can receive blood from B and O; Blood group O can give blood to AB,A,B,O and can receive blood from O.

Our immune system has advanced methods to find out whether a substance is foreign or not. One method consists of chemical markers called 'antigens'. If our blood type finds out that a foreign antigen has entered our body, it creates 'antibodies' to destroy it.

When we eat a food containing proteins lectins found mainly in plant seeds that are not going well together with our blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ like kidney, liver, brain, stomach, etc. and begin to stick together blood cells in that area.

The key is to avoid the lectins that stick to our particular cells, decided by our blood type. For example, gluten, the most common lectin found in wheat and other grains, sticks to the lining of the small intestine. It causes substantial inflammation and painful irritation in some blood types - especially Type O. However, lectins vary widely, according to their source.

If you follow the Blood Type plan you can:
·                     Avoid many common viruses and infections.
·                     Lose weight, as your body frees itself of toxins and fats.
·                     Fight back against life-threatening diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and liver failure.
·                     Avoid many of the factors that cause quick cell decay thus slowing down the aging process.

Regardless of blood types, drink plenty of water daily, eat fruits, vegetables, and avoid sugar and saturated fats. Do physical exercises and avoid mental worries for best absorption of food eaten.

Amazing Life

Have you ever wondered how life can be made amazing? I know it is somewhat complicated to think of an exact solution and I am aware that every individual has different idea of life. For an “Amazing life”, the most important ingredient, at least according to me is – success. With success come joy, wisdom, and confidence. At this point, I am aware of the shortage of time that most of us face to achieve our goal. However, it can be solved by the perseverance, determination, and discipline.

Many things that we come across in daily life can be a motivation to us in many ways. For example, consider the time we spend watching Television. We watch many movies, miniseries, advertisements, sport, songs etc. we watch it for the purpose of entertainment. What we fail to see is the moral that is in it. Everything around has something new in it that can change the basic idea of our life, but we never bother to open our eyes to see that.

Our thinking power is limited to our physical vision. This restriction is the main culprit for our lack of judgement power. We always know what we have to do but we never bother to do it since we know that it is not going to help us. This restriction to ourselves makes up the major part of the life and we almost fail to see what we have lost in the process.

The major part of having fun and making memories are the days when at college. Here, though we have lots of studying to do, we tend to go out with friends, meet new people, explore new places, and do some crazy stuff. Here, what we fail to see is the experience we gain through the course.
In addition, while studying, we neglect the quality of contents and restrict it to the examination point of view. Nevertheless, the lessons of life, which ought to be learnt, are forgotten and are bothered untouched. For example, a subject like Sanskrit has many moral values in every sentence of it. Studying for the marks in such subjects is a fool’s hope.
The next major part of life comes from the work. The responsibility, hardworking, honesty is the main constituents at this particular time. Most of us hate the job we do and always dream of that “one big job” which we seem to like. However, it is a fact that, the work is always a work irrespective of the time and place. We can overcome this burden of work by simply loving what we do. Yes! That actually works. Next time, try loving your job and do it.. I am sure your day is going to be better!

A small thing can change the course of the future. We need to learn to find happiness in very small things. Though we may find it silly, but when we treasure it in some form and memorize it after a few years, we will definitely know what we missed. For this, we can have number of methods developed like writing a diary, journals, or even tweets for the geeks! Writing a diary or journal also helps us to relax our mind and lower the burden in our hearts.

It is never late to start a new life. Every second counts and so does our every action. We may seem invisible at some point of time to the world, but one day the world will recognize us for what we are. For this, we always have to dream big. Yes! Dream bigger and bigger and do not to forget to work achieving the dream.

I can say that our life is a dictionary. It is a dictionary where we put the words and give it a meaning of our own and that meaning proves what we are. it is not necessary that we need to include greater number of words but it is important that what meaning we give to the fewer number of words which we have inserted. In addition, we can eliminate some of the words like malice, jealousy, greed, hatred, misery, sorrow, trouble. Make sure that your dictionary has the highest number of sales!

Finally, we must make sure that we do not leave the people who have been there for us at the utmost need of times. Be it parents or friends, people who care for us, love us, and respect us are the people who deserve the best of us. The best gift to thank them is by loving them back and remembering them for the rest of life. 

12 November 2012

Ways to celebrate Friendship Day

Some plan it well in advance, some do it late. Some have a clear cut bend of mind, some confused.
But the day comes just once in a year. So don't let any wish slip by. Celebrate and make your friend(s) feel the special way you feel for your friendship.
Need some ideas on how to celebrate Friendship Day? Here are some to let you opt for any or many of them.
  • Celebrating things together is the best idea to strengthen your friendship bond. So if you're fortunate on that count, freak out with food, fun and funky beats. A picnic is always a fun idea, and great for all ages. Invite your closest buddies over for a sleepover! Rent some movies and pig out on popcorn, chocolate and junk foods. Well, if you venture to do it yourself, try from the special recipes.
  • If you're physically-inclined, try an activity such as billiards, bowling, golf or even going to the beach or a theme park.
  • If you're all busy during the day, chill out at a dinner with your friend(s). Host a Friendship Dinner Party! If you like, dress up in your finest or the weirdest and have a fun night that's different from the norm.
  • Write a nice card for your friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship. Play the role of a humorist and share jokes with your friends. Spill out your heart to them as though there is no tomorrow.
  • If you want to reach and be remembered by your near and far away friends alike the best thing is to dedicate the music or song of your common choice thru' a popular radio or TV program.Plan accordingly and book a slot in advance to avoid being left out due to a 'rush'.
  • And if you like, go and enjoy to your choicest entertainment show, or to a much sought-after sports event, may be a football or baseball match to ride the crest of excitements.
  • Make a friendship poster by using your name and your friends' names and decorating it.
  • Draw a picture of your best friend.
  • Make friendship bracelets.
  • Make some cards for your friends.
  • Take group photo of your friends, then add bunny ears to the faces.
  • Pass this friendship message: and post it in all social networking sites and your blogs.
  • Relive your old days by hitting a old joint together.
  • Discuss what makes a good friend.
  • What should you do to be a good friend?
  • Name all your friends.
    Plant some saplings and christen them with your friend's names.
  • Have a picnic with other kids and make new friends.
  • Find a pen-pal to be friends with.
  • Write some Friendly Poetry.
  • Gift saplings in a ready pot, with your friend's name as the plants name.
  • Send personalized gifts to your friends.
  • Have a group dinner with your friends, and if applicable, with together with respective families.
  • Build a personal website with friendship theme.
  • Write a nice card for your friend telling them how much you appreciate their friendship. Spill out your heart to them as though there is no tomorrow.
  • Buy or make them a small present - flowers, chocolates, friendship bands, a cake, a dream catcher, friendship journal or anything that catches your imagination! Consider leaving the gift anonymously for added intrigue.
  • Hug someone, preferably your friend, and have someone to shoot the moment.
  • Make a point to call every one of your friends on Friendship Day to let them know u care.
  • Make your friend a mixed CD of all the songs that define your friendship (or ones that you just happen to mutually like).
  • Submit a Friendship Tribute to your friend to be posted on the web.
  • Call all those old friends you haven't spoken to in ages. Remember the girl scout motto: "Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"!
  • Make a special friendship book for your best friend. Include photos, quotes and poetry telling your friends how special they are.
  • Ring up a radio station and dedicate a song to Friendship Day and your friends!
  • Buy your friend a ticket to the theatre so you can enjoy a great show together
    Grab a camera or visit a photo machine and take some photos of you & your friends enjoying yourselves!
  • Give your friend a Friendship Bracelet (made or bought) to symbolise your friendship.
  • Write your friend a webpage to express your friendship online. Find graphics to adorn your site from here.

Keyboard Shortcuts - Part 2

Desktop Shortcuts

Windows XP/Windows Vista
Mac OS

Activate Menu bar
Alt, or F10

View menu

Undo the last operation

Redo the last operation
Cmd+ Shift+Z
Cut the selected area and store it in the clipboard
Ctrl+X, or Shift+Del
Copy the selected area into the clipboard
Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+Ins
Paste contents of clipboard at cursor
Ctrl+V, or Shift+Ins

Select everything in focused control or window

Text Editing

Windows XP/Windows Vista
Mac OS

start of line

end of line

start of document
Ctrl + Home

Ctrl + Home
end of document
Ctrl + End

Ctrl + End
previous word

next word
previous line break
next line break

Web browsers

Windows XP/Windows Vista
Mac OS
Bookmarks menu
URL Shortcuts (Adds www + .com)
URL Shortcuts (Adds www + .org)
Ctrl+ Shift+Enter
Cmd+ Shift+Enter
Add a bookmark for the current location

Manage bookmarks
Cmd+Opt+B (Safari)
Reload page from cache
Reload page bypassing cache

Go home

Windows XP/Windows Vista
Mac OS

Go to Browser
Go to the previous location in history
Alt+ or Backspace(Internet Explorer)
Cmd+[ or Cmd+

Go to the next location in history
Cmd+] or Cmd+
Go up one level in the navigation hierarchy
Alt+(Vista only) or Backspace(Windows Explorer)
Go to the starting page defined by the user or application
Go back a page

Text formatting

Windows XP/Windows Vista 
Mac OS

Make selected text bold/regular
Toggle underlining of selected text
Make selected text italic/regular
Change to upper/lower case
Make selected text superscript
Make selected text subscript