
25 October 2012

My College!

College life is often said as the best life only because that there is no much stress for a student to study the subject like it happens in the school days. But I really enjoy studying and sometimes I become isolated from everybody else only to indulge my thoughts completely to study the book of my interest. (My friends have never forgiven me for that!). In spite of all these I still feel really happy to be in college as I am studying in SDM Degree college and I am proud to say that. I have various reasons for that.

1. Many people often wondered what I was doing in the remote place of Ujire (the town in which the college is situated) and how I was surviving after they learnt that I was from Bangalore. It is true that I led a very good life in Bangalore - enjoying out with friends, parties, periodical shopping, expensive stuffs, branded stuffs, delicious but junk food, movie theaters... so the list goes on. But what knowledge I really gained there staying for 10 years, I had in 5 months in Ujire! That's true! The quality of education sucks in Bangalore and it is only money making institutions that are present there (except very few) and I was a culprit to that system :( 

2. Though there are many opportunities in Bangalore, the quantity of people getting through it is very less. Yes we do of course participate and we will love the competition but the winner would be an "High Influenced", I would say. That is not the case in my college here and I am glad that I am into it! Thank You God :)

3. Individual attention is essential to some extent in every one's life. Being invisible always causes the depression and loses the interest and determination one has in their work. Bangalore colleges have lots of students in them and it is inappropriate to tell that lecturers don't always care about students. But that is not the situation in SDM College. Yes! Even our college have great numbers.. in fact the number is currently 3500 + but the amount of interest of students to each student is always the same! (Now that's what i call - Awesome!) Every single teacher regrets the under performance of every single student and that is the bondage that is being developed there between the students and teachers.

4. Of course we all know that urban cities like Bangalore are far more forward in the ways of technology and other scientific field. it is obvious that remote villages would not get the periodical updates of technological areas and it seems like an advantage for the students in Urban areas. But let me tell all the students who thinks so that they are absolutely wrong! SDM college has far more better facilities than any other college in Karnataka and the best part is they actually put it into real use unlike other colleges which simply stores it to boost themselves that they too are equipped with recent developments but are too afraid to loose it, damage it or destroy it! In fact i witnessed for the first time about the teleconference way of education since i was part of esteemed course of studying of French language (another surprise!)

5. The essential part of every college that students expect is a good and neat campus, a well arranged library and a nice playground! Who-ooh! I am the winner again! My college have the cleanest campus and let me tell you a secret.. it rains all day and yet the staff manage to maintain it clean (*magic*! ). And talking about library, we have a breath taking library containing more than 80000 + books (now who would have dreamed that! Its my favorite section in whole of building!). OK, now every college is blessed with 1 playground... but I am blessed with many playgrounds! We have playgrounds matching exactly to each and every game that we think of to play! The most amazing part is we have a better audience view seating arrangement than what we can find in Chinnaswamy stadium! (no offence!)

Whoosh that's lots of things to go on with. But now its time for conclusion i guess since I convinced myself that I have given enough convincing reasons to prove everyone about why my college is the best. People differ from one to another and so do their thoughts. Likewise, I don not appreciate those who like this content nor do I blame those who did not like it. Its just that how I feel after I have expressed so many great things about something that has now become part of my life. I am just too proud of it and nobody can confront it. Anyway it is never the same feeling in other places. Home is always the most sweetest place. I have to admit it that I miss my Bangalore but I also cant deny it that I have started to fall in love with this current new place.

For those who are interested to know more about can check our College Website

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