
6 April 2013

God Functions in terms of computer!

                 Merlin's Beard! This may seem funny but no offense..

            Brahma : Systems Installation
            Vishnu : Systems Support
            Lakshmi : Finance and Accounts consultant (SAP)
            Shiva : DBA (crash specialist)
            Ganesh : Documentation specialist
            Narada : Data Transfer
            Brihaspathi : Chief Information Officer.
            Yama : Re-Organisation Consultant
            ChitraGupta : Personnel Records
            Apsaras : Downloadable Viruses
            Devas : Y2k Programmers
            Surya : Solaris adminstrator
            Rakshasas : In house Hackers
            Ram : Hardware Support - single user specialist
            Lakshman : Support software and Backup
            Ravan : Internet Explorer - WWW
            Hanuman : RS6000
            Vali : Windows 98
            Sugreeva : Win 95
            Angadh : Win 3.1
            Jambhuvan : DOS
            Vishwamitra : Sr.Manager Projects
            Hastinapur : Silicon Valley
            Arjun : Lead Programmer (all Companies are Vying for him)
            Abhimanyu : Trainee Programmer
            Draupadi : Web server - free access (Shareware)
            Bhima : MAIN FRAME
            Duryodhan : Microsoft product written in VB
            Shakuni : Bill Gates
            Karna : Contract Programmer
            Shikandi : Steve Jobbs 100
            Kauravas : Microsoft Service Packs and Patches 

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