
1 February 2012

Compulsory Seat belts

You might have read this news in Times of India about the compulsory wearing of seat belts in car. Yes! according to rule U/S 138 CMVR r/w 177 MVA, the driver and the person seated in the front must wear the seat belts while the vehicle is in motion. The real panic now is why the other person has to wear the seat belt. The reason being simple... when the car crashes, the other person would not be saved on the plain reason that he is not driving the car i.e, death does not categorize and judge people according to their positions.

After the compulsion of helmets, RTO has taken another wonderful step in making transportation better and easier. If this rule is strictly enforced, and all the people start wearing seat belts without paying the fine of Rs. 100 then it is an advancement of our community and it is our hard work that is helping us to go one step forward in the development of the country.

Rules, especially the traffic rules are mostly made to save the our own. Then why is it people always come up with some negative reasons against the idea. I think this order is completely positive and I shall certainly follow it no matter what circumstance I might be in.. What do you think people ?!

For Further Information about the article from Times of India, follow the link Fasten seat belt or pay Rs.100 fine!