
17 March 2012

Flash Back to High School

Elders say ‘school is temple and teachers are god’. This is so true. 
The three years I spent in seshadripuram high school was really fantastic period in my life. I never spent my time so happily in all the ways. I don’t know about other students who spent their time in the same school, but those three years were golden days in my life. Tough I have passed many years, spent time in many schools and also with many people; but those wonderful moments can never be bought back.
All those years, it was a nice experience. All the teachers were very good, kind and affectionate. Great thinkers say the aim of education is the knowledge of not facts but of values. I am glad to say that we received the same in our school!
Everyone says college days are best days, but I feel school days are better than that! You know, when I joined that school in 8th standard, I was so reserved. But today I am able to communicate with people without any fear and moreover I am able to become what I want to!This was only because of my teachers who put confidence not only in me but in every child. Homely atmosphere in that school gave us a feeling of being free.
I would like to recall some of my old memories. We went to Vishveswaraih museum in 8th standard, Shivagange in 9th standard and there was this spectalcular journey to many of the places in 10th standard which lasted for 5 days!.
Me and my friends were all happy that we were going to college which was the second step in our life but at the same time we were also sad that our awesome school days were finished and we miss that even now a lot, lot and a lot………
I will never forget those glorious days, sweet memories of my teachers and friends and moreover unity that was present in our class............!


  1. 3 Years Of Ur High School Fun = Fun During Second Year Of College...

    1. i knoe! would neva 4get d tym of dat part of my lyf :) thank u :) :~)
